Chiropractic and pregnancy
The average time in labor for a first time pregnancy is 16 hours. What if you could cut that by 4 hours? Chiropractic adjustments do that! Studies have shown that chiropractic adjustments are exceptionally effective in reducing the time that women are in labor for; both for women in their first pregnancy and those who have previously given birth. The proper alignment of the pelvis and hip in addition to the reduce amount of back pains achieved through chiropractic adjustments make it easier for pregnant women who are in labor to assume the correct and effective position for a shorter labor.
Chiropractic care during pregnancy can help control symptoms of nausea, relieve back, neck, or joint pain, and prevent a potential cesarean delivery. Many changes occur throughout the body during the process of pregnancy; including changes to the spine and pelvis. Chiropractic care is a great way to prepare your body for these changes as well as to have your body change in a way that accommodates your pregnancy. In some cases, the only downside to not having chiropractic care is the discomfort. In more severe cases, your body may not adjust appropriately and may require a C-section procedure to take place.
Reduce the time of labor and delivery. With chiropractic care, we can provide your body with the necessary alignments to shorten the period of time spent in the delivery room; allowing you to experience a comfortable pregnancy. Misalignments in the pelvis can cause a delay in the labor process, but with adjustments, you can ensure that your nerves will be properly functioning to help during your delivery.
Specific, gentle Webster techniques, which Dr. Eveline is trained in, can turn a baby in the breech position. Having a baby in the breech position isn’t only stressful to the mother but also painful. At Onkels Chiropractic, we are trained and experienced in adjusting moms who carry babies in the breech position in order to gently turn them. Through Webster techniques, we can help relieve the pain associated with pregnancy; allowing the baby to shift comfortably and naturally within the womb.
It is not only effective, but it is safe! Pregnancy is a delicate and emotional process so it’s essential that the therapy and techniques provided to women are safe for both the mother and baby. At Onkel’s Chiropractic, we are experienced and qualified at administering chiropractic treatment for pregnant women. We want to make the pregnancy process as comfortable and exciting as possible.
Call us at (818) 841-2442 learn more about how chiropractic care can ease the process of labor. Enjoy an easier and more stress-free pregnancy.