Raw honey can fight MRSA?
Honey was a conventional therapy in fighting infection up until the early 20th century, at which time its use slowly vanished with the advent of penicillin.
Now the use of honey in wound care is regaining popularity again, as researchers are determining exactly how honey can help fight serious skin infections.
According to their findings, certain types of honey might be more effective than antibiotics!
After any skin injury, bacteria that live on your skin can infect and penetrate the wound site.
One particularly common type of strep (Streptococcus pyogenes) can result in wounds that refuse to heal.
But honey, especially the kind made by bees foraging on manuka flowers, was found to destroy these bacteria.
When considering using honey for the treatment of wounds, it's extremely important to understand that there's a major difference between raw honey—and especially Manuka honey, which is in a class of its own—and the highly processed "Grade A" type honey you find in most grocery stores. The latter is more akin to high fructose corn syrup, which is more likely to increase infection, and should never be used to treat topical wounds! (It also will not offer you the same health benefits as raw honey when consumed.)
Of course we recommend seeing us at Onkels Chiropractic before trying this but here are some examples of how someone might use Manuka honey:
- Use as a natural antibiotic for nasty infections, such as in the chest, by taking a couple of mouthfuls of the honey several times a day, between meals or as a natural cough treatment by taking ¾ teaspoon of the honey every time you start to cough. It should resolve in about 24 hours.
- This raw honey can be used effectively in the treatment of abrasions, acne, bacterial infections (including MRSA), eczema, leg ulcers, puncture wounds, psoriasis, septic wounds and surgical wounds. Manuka honey will kill h-Pylori bacteria that is known to cause ulcers.
- Use when troubled with mouth sores by swishing a teaspoon of the honey in your mouth for several minutes 3 times a day until the sores are gone (usually within a day).
Want to know more? Schedule an appointment today!
NB: information comes courtesty of Dr. Mercola