5 ways to have a healthier holiday

From office parties to holiday buffets temptation is all around us This is one of the most difficult times of the year to eat well. We eat out more often, travel to relatives homes, and tend to put aside our health objectives. Although we tend to only gain a couple pounds from Thanksgiving to New Years it tends to be weight we don’t lose.

And from a chiropractic standpoint our weight is a big factor in our spinal health. For example, for every 10 pounds you gain, regardless of where it is, you put an additional 100 pounds of pressure on your spine. So, watching our weight is indeed important.

Here are 5 easy and practical substitutions this holiday season that will make a difference.

Salt: processed salt, like Morton’s, is devoid of all minerals. Also, there is an anti-caking chemical on it to prevent sticking together that is carcinogenic. Fun Fact:You may be surprised to learn that for every gram of table salt that your body cannot get rid of, your body uses 23 times the amount of water to neutralize the salt.  Buy: Sea salt on the other hand is good for you. It has minerals, such as calcium, potassium and magnesium.

Margarine: The fact is that margarine is one molecule away from plastic. They have trans fats and hydrogenated oils which contribute to heart disease, cancer and bone problems. Fun Fact: Foods such as Smart Balance do not have to list trans fat if it is below a half gram per serving! Buy: Butter!! Yes, it is good for you. You actually need cholesterol and saturated fats and they are essential for survival!! Also, butter contains many key vitamins and minerals for you.

(Sugared)Soft Drinks:  As we know they can lead to obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, among other things. Fun Fact: 35% of all the sugar we consume comes from soft drinks. Buy: Drink Kangen water but if you must have a sweet carbonated drink buy Zevia. It contains stevia.

Artificial sweeteners: Examples include Nutrasweet (aspartame) or Equal. They are neurotoxic and can cause immediate headaches, mental confusion, dizziness and seizures. Fun Fact: Aspartame or Nutrasweet will convert to formaldehyde when consumed. Formaldehyde as you remember is what they embalm you withJ. Buy: Stevia, xylitol, agave or honey (in small quantities). You can also use RAW cane sugar. Raw.

Enriched Flour: Enriched flour products are an extremely refined carbohydrate. All nutrition from the wheat grain has been removed. It has lost all 22 vitamins and minerals, its enzymes and fiber. Ingested, it immediately converts to sugar within the body. These dangerous empty sugars cannot be handled by our metabolic systems. They wreak havoc on the pancreas, and upset a healthy insulin balance within. Fun Fact: It has a negative food value. You actually lose more nutrients than you gain!. Buy:Sprouted grain bread. It’s rich in protein, vitamins, minerals and natural fiber.

Michael Onkels