Here's your new health care plan- vaccines!

Want cheap, portable, "good" preventative health care? Here it is. Vaccines! That's the answer coming from the government, AMA, and pharmaceutical industry. At the moment it is heavily involved in the new health care bills in congress and there is great incentive to continue.

Unfortunately, vaccines have become the preventative tool that physicians use on a routine basis and it will be an even greater part of health care with mandates from associations (AMA) and government (CDC) alike. Below is an article about the future of the vaccine industry. If you can't take a pill for your condition you will soon have a vaccine to prevent it. Even if you were never going to have it in the first place. Better safe than sorry? Well, you decide.

(AP) - Malaria. Tuberculosis. Alzheimer's disease. AIDS. Pandemic flu. Genital herpes. Urinary tract infections. Grass allergies. Traveler's diarrhea. You name it, the pharmaceutical industry is working on a vaccine to prevent it.

Many could be on the market in five years or less.

Contrast that with five years ago, when so many companies had abandoned the vaccine business that half the U.S. supply of flu shots was lost because of contamination at one of the two manufacturers left.

Vaccines are no longer a sleepy, low-profit niche in a booming drug industry. Today, they're starting to give ailing pharmaceutical makers a shot in the arm.

The lure of big profits, advances in technology and growing government support has been drawing in new companies, from nascent biotechs to Johnson & Johnson. That means recent remarkable strides in overcoming dreaded diseases and annoying afflictions likely will continue.

For the entire article go to

It's good to keep in mind that the vaccine manufacturers can't be sued, the vaccines contain numerous carcinogens and metals (aluminum and mercury), they can be the source of the illness, and testing safety and efficacy is performed by the manufacturers themselves. Do you trust them with your health?


Michael Onkels